Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Joint B-day Party for V and C!

Christian had his 3rd birthday a couple weeks ago and Victoria's 5th is in a couple weeks, so we had a combined birthday party for them with the Soderholm side of the family. TJ, Whitney, Teagan, Bobby, Kattia, Robert, Camila, Megan, Geemaw and Papa came. We missed Patrick and Leah though. They get to visit in a couple weeks.
We wanted to have a theme that they both liked and we came up with a camp out theme! They both love camping.

Victoria's color pick was pink and Christian's was green. His favorite color has always been yellow, but now it is changing to "orange and green." We used yellow too though. I like to plan parties and I love themes! It was fun to come up with these camp goodie bags (tricky too though to combined the camp out theme and the colors that they wanted to include- I think red and blue would have been easier)!

It was a super hot and humid day, but we played outside anyway.

Kattia and Geemaw- see the tent in the background?

4 of the 6 cousins with Kattia

So, normally kids like to roast hot dogs, but today it was too hot! Thanks, Danny and Bob, for stepping up and cooking all of our hot dogs!

They are really cute together, eh?

One of the activities was finding three beautiful/ neat things in nature. I love seeing what the children find! Sticks, blades of grass, gumballs, poplar leaves, rocks, etc. It's great that they can find beauty so easily. Then, we met in the tent and had a show and tell.

Teagan and her dad found two different kinds of leaves and, I believe, a stick. She is so cute- look at the tiny pigtails. Unfortunately around this time all of the pics turned out REALLY blurry. I think the lens kept getting fogged up because of the humidity? Not sure, the indoor ones didn't really work out either. So,no pics of our other game, cake and ice cream, or presents. Until someone else sends me some. (Pretty please... hint hint)

The game was called throwing the marshmallow into the fire. It was fun and everyone was a winner! It was throwing mini marshmallows into an indoor fake fire pit.

The cake was a campfire cake made with brownie, walnuts, fudge icing, Twix bars, M&Ms, marshmallows and red cellophane. The kids helped me make and decorate it and it was pretty cool and yummy especially with ice cream.

The presents were awesome! I'll take some pics in the upcoming days. They both got play tents from their grandparents- Cars and princess. They got a big car and Spanish/English computer from Bobby and Kattia's fam. They were given games, puzzles, growing toys, and lots of awesome girl accessories from TJ, Whitney, and Teagan. They are really lucky to have so many generous people who love them on both sides of the family!

Here's a pic of V in a few of the accessories. Camila invited her to spend the night. Although I am not really in favor of slumber parties so young, they were both so excited about the idea, that I couldn't say no. Danny and I had decided that they can spend the night with cousins and grandparents, I just didn't know it would be so soon. So, at almost 5 she is off to her first slumber party with Camila! Christian didn't understand why he couldn't go too and was sad, but he and I had a fun evening together when Danny went to play cards with some of his guy friends. It's a new tradition that they play once or twice a month. We played a little bit together, read some books and then he wanted to go to sleep. He is currently sleeping in his brand new Cars tent! Here's a pic of the sweet buddy.


Ioana said...

Such a nice party! It's cute how Victoria and Camila are so close. Happy Birthday to both V and C!

Janelle said...

Fun Brooke, you are great with parties! It looks like everyone had a great time and I hope you get a picture of that cake, it sounds awesome.

Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...

Awe..looks like a grand time!
Happy Birthday!

Sarah Weiss said...

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