Saturday, April 4, 2009

Don't judge a fuit by its peel.

So, I have been wanting to try an ugli fruit for a while now. They were really cheap the other day and I thought it might be fun to try. Plus, I thought maybe snack time could be a good time for a quick lesson about judging based on appearances.
The kids weren't so sure that they really wanted to try an ugly fruit, but we cut it open anyway. Inside it looked just like an orange. A little more "appealing" on the inside isn't it?
We tried it. It tasted good, but sour too. I would describe the taste as a mix between an orange and a lemon. I sprinkled mine with sugar. It was very juicy and I think it would be awesome as "ugli-ade." We just might try one again sometime.
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Janelle said...

That fruit does look pretty ugly. Sounds like a good lesson!

Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Danny saw this and said, "Wow, our kids couldn't have made uglier faces if they tried." Were they trying? I honestly don't know, but yeah, pretty terrible picture.