Poor baby Grant had a rough go with his asthma at the beginning of the month. On a Sunday night he got a fever and started needing his every 3 hour breathing treatments.Luckily, he already had a scheduled 18 mo. checkup on Tuesday. We took him then. He had an ear infection and so he got an antibiotic. He also got his oral steroid for his breathing since the Albuterol wasn't doing the job. By Friday he still had a fever and his breathing was getting worse instead of improving. He was starting to be lethargic, so I took him in. His 02 was 86! Bad. So, he had a couple breathing treatments in a row and no improvement. So we tried the oxygen treatments, but his O2 level kept dropping every time we took him off. He was getting pretty tired of masks on his face and was glad to get into the ambulance for a change of scenery. We rode to Chippenham ER in the ambulance so that he could be monitored and stay on the oxygen.
He had lung x-rays there- pneumonia. RSV test was positive too. So between that and his asthma his little lungs were just not happy!
He stayed on oxygen Friday- Saturday night, had stronger antibiotics and stronger steroids through his IV, and breathing treatments and respiratory therapy (basically pounding on his back with this suction cup rubbery device) every 2 hours.
It was strange because he hadn't seemed to be much worse than normal. It makes me wonder how many times his oxygen has been that low. I don't have a pulse ox at home, so I would have no way of knowing. Scary!
Grant did well. He was scared the first day wondering what the heck was going on, exhausted the next, and feeling much better by the 3rd. It was nice to be able to go home.
Here are a couple not so happy pictures. And then two when he was feeling a lot better and getting ready to come home.
I recognize that room...is that on the Peds floor at Chippenham? Was he in the PICU at all?
It was. Thanks for looking at the blog! Grant stayed out of the PICU, thankfully he got better pretty quickly. It didn't get too bad because he is on so much asthma medication anyway and because he was already on an amoxicillin.
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