We celebrated Grandpa's birthday!
We took close up pictures of the kids to show where their specicial birthmarks and scars are. We also swabbed cheek cells and took hair samples. This is crazy, but if they were ever missing it would be important.
At the time Katherine had lots of little "milk spots." Those are gone now.
V has a scar on her forehead from when she busted it open on the metal bedframe while we were at the beach when she was 3. Touching that scar is another birthmark.
Christian has a mole that matches mine.
Another cute one on his hairline.
People often mistake this one for a tick. It's not though.
Look at this cute little freckle in between Grant's fingers. They are all so special and unique!
We also went to a lot of baseball games. Danny helped coach Christian's team again this year! C-bass played t-ball the past 2 years, but this time it was machine pitched. It was pretty challenging for Christian. He had a great swing- super powerful. However, he had a hard time making contact with the ball and kept saying that he was seeing double. In turn, he lost interest. He liked playing with his friends, but decided he didn't really like baseball. Hitting was really hard for him, but he didn't quit! He struck out game after game and it was really upsetting for him and for us as parents too. We wanted him to succeed so badly! Honestly, I prayed for his success. Finally, on the last game of the season, he cracked it! He hit it hard and all of the fans, the other kids, and their parents were so glad for Christian!!!! We were so thankful that he could end the season on a high note. Here are a few pics of Christian and his fans.
Victoria went to another session of horse camp this summer.
We carpooled with Kailyn! They were so excited!
Cally, Victoria, and Kailyn in front of the horse that they painted!
Victoria and her horse
Taking it out to pasture.
Crafting. They had a great time!
Grant and I had a a special outing. Danny and I takes turns going on 1 on 1s with our kids. This time, Grant and I just went to Sheetz and shared a "slurpie" type drink. No big deal really, but I had my camera in the car, so decided to take a couple pictures. When we were getting near the bottom of the cup, I took a sip, but couldn't get any so I hit the bottom of the cup and a bunch hit me in the face. It was hilarious, so Grant tried it repeatedly on purpose. He is such a fun loving kid.
Another day we got out the baby pool for Katherine to try. Don't ask why she was just in a swimmie diaper. I can't remember. She wore cute bathing suits most of the summer when we went to the pool.
Apparently, one night we had a "corny concert." You would think one might remember said concert, but not really. We are pretty fun (read crazy) like that most days.
We had "Cousins' Camp" based out of Stafford, VA this year. We had a lot of fun at Bobby and Kattia's house, but the main event was our trip to the Smithsonian Museums in Washington, DC.
We found out that Bop, Danny's maternal grandfather, helped build the model for this that was created to show Congress.
hair by TJ
We celebrated Father's Day too! However, the camera apparently was not used that day. 
Lastly, I was able to help with a wedding reception for a friend from church, Amy Henshaw.
1 comment:
I so glad you're back to blogging! It seems that you guys have been busy, busy, busy!
So, what is going on with your heart? I wouldn't want surgery either if it's not necessary. Good luck!
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