Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Marshall Pre-Thanksgiving Feast

It was an awesome day at the Marshall house! All of the in-state family came. We celebrated a week early because my parents were going Matt and Janelle's house in CO for Thanksgiving and Howie's Priesthood Ordination.

We got there and the house looked clean, beautiful, and everything was ready. My mom works hard to make things nice even though she knows the kids will make a huge mess. She is pretty awesome that way. 

The boys and Katherine and Evie ran off to play, but the older girls helped with appetizers and getting ice in cups etc. They made this adorable turkey cheese ball.
The kids' table. (I didn't photograph the adult table, but should have. It was lovely.) 
Katherine marching in a parade!
Everyone brought food and it was all amazing!
After the meal, we tied a couple fleece no-sew blankets for my nephew, Donovan's Eagle Project. My parents took them to CO to him. We were glad to help a bit. 

Then, we played Thanksgiving Scattergories. I found it on pinterest, but it is originally from ucreatecrafts.com.
It was fun, but you know how competitive I can be with games? Craig can be too and it was a close game, so he came up with a double w for something you are thankful for- wet willies.

Really, Craig, you are thankful for wet willies? 
And that is how this one will be remembered. 2015, the early Thanksgiving when Craig first disclosed how much he loves getting wet willies. I am pretty sure he will regret that game play. Hahaha. I think Danny won.

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