I miss having a kid home with me everyday, but I still love to play folder games with Kate from time to time. The months of the year- easy breezy. She is getting so smart.
Sometimes I take pictures at stores of things that I am considering buying. Take these pots for example.

I went to a really good RS women's conference where the wonderful Lisa Clubb taught a class. She teaches Victoria's seminary class and has been an angel in our lives on several occasions. Her class was about friendship and was excellent. However, it brought all of my ugliest (well saddest) emotions right to the surface and I cried and cried because I miss having close friends. Even though I have lived here for about 7 months at this point and I love and respect so many people around me, I feel very lonely. I don't have go to girlfriends to (comfortably) call on when I need help, whom I would feel comfortable to see my house when it is a mess, etc. It is really hard. I used to make friends so easily, but I have really struggled after each move. I find that I feel very insecure in new settings. I feel judged everywhere I go. It probably isn't true, but I don't know how people feel about me. I probably don't need to go on. I know that it will get better with time. I love others very easily and love to help others, so I am sure that as time passes people will sense that about me and feel comfortable around me. It really does take time and continued effort though. And as Lisa taught, "Comparison is the "cereal" killer of friendship." I need to stop thinking that everyone around me is better than me at everything.

Speaking of friends, the Elder Daley, on the far left, really was one of our very best friends during his time in Culpeper. He just moved to another area a couple weeks before, and was someone that I needed to see that day. We really miss him being in our ward, but were glad to see him there. The other helper that day was Kim Cooper. She was willing to sit with the crazy crying lady at the luncheon and be a friend when I needed one. She is a really special lady and one who has been a big blessing too. (I am writing this several months later and know more about her now than I did then. She really is awesome!)
Cute face paint!
It had been a while since Kate rode and she was pretty scared. Good dad to stay with her and help her get better!
Instant pot pot roast for the win!
Speaking of winners...
Go Blue Devils!
They won first place in the league! Well Done!
Cute Kate got sick. She never admits it, but she was.
She really remains pretty pleasant even when she is sick.
Katherine LOVES bath bombs!
Look at the start of this racer for the pinewood derby!
They worked on it at the high school.
It was cool to be able to use some of the tools in the wood shop.
Grant's favorite part was the air!
Kate's too.
Two pigs at the neighbors' house.
March Snow Days
So much fun!
Hot chocolate!
Grant wanted applesauce....
I love these kitchen tools.
He does too. Amazing applesauce in minutes!
Did you know that National Ice cream day is a thing? It is! Thanks, Dairy Queen!
I loved this creative artwork. Each kid got a paper with some string/rope attached and had to draw a picture. I thought Grant's was really clever.