Friday, March 30, 2018

May Misc!


Harry Potter by G

Sock Monkey by K

Amazing Icecream truck near our house!

Strange allergic reaction to what I do not know!

Grant saved his money to buy an awesome puppet at Lolipop Station and he and I had fun going to get it and waving to cars driving by afterward.

V made cheering again!


and home!

Katherine having fun at the ball fields


Brusters! (Do we love ice cream or what?! FYI, we hardly buy it for our house because we love it so much that having it available all of the time would be a bad idea.)
"Bubblegum, bubblegum in a dish"(before prom?)

Our yard is looking beautiful! Love the azalea bushes in bloom! 
I love that I get to be at the youth activities with my kids! Christian is so good to Katherine and lets her join in the fun on the nights (the majority of nights) when Danny isn't home and she has to come. 

I love to see rainbows.

I love to thrift shop and sometimes take pictures of things that I am on the fence about. These plates match some that I have that I got for a tea party for Victoria's birthday a long time ago.

These books looked great, but I thought I would go back on the day that books were half off.

We LOVE watching Christian play soccer! He took a few seasons off and we were so proud of him for getting back in the game. Grandma and Grandpa came to watch Christian and Grant at their games. 

Katherine loved playing with this cute boy at the games and he loved her grandparents and wanted in on the attention. They thought he was so cute too.

I saw this and wanted to live close enough to share a Coke with Paige. FYI, she is one of the only friends that I keep in good touch with year after year. I love her like a sister and am so thankful for a lifelong friend.

We still spend a lot of time in the car waiting- sometimes we watch a movie. That dvd player has come in handy!

We repainted a dresser for a YW activity. It is great to see the transformation.

It is also great to see these girls grow in confidence and know how.

We donated the beautiful finished product with fresh paint and new knobs to a new refugee family in the area. 

I love it when Mrs. Wheeler shares pictures and videos. These were from a fun field day! (No volunteers needed). Grant really loved the slip and slide down the hill and it inspired some of our summer fun in our front yard.

V still loves car selfies and I am thankful, looking back, that I am in a few pics from time to time.

I somehow get a lot of pics like these two on my phone. G and K love to facetime their cousins! They chat most Sunday afternoons. Love these kids!

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