Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Trick or Treating!

Christian stayed home to "pass out candy" this year. Victoria went to the Bowler's house to watch a scary movie with a bunch of teenagers, and Danny and I decided to take Grant and Katherine trick or treating in the Bowler's neighborhood since we were already there and would need to pick her back up soon.

We met up with Angie Bowler and a big group of kids, but part of the group split off. Aletha Hibbert and Justice Cruzan were super kind to let our kids continue with them. Their costumes were so cute too.  Danny and I had fun talking to the Bowlers and a few other parents when we got back to the house and the movie was still going. 

Everyone had a fun night.

Apparently Grant got a lot of candy and had fun playing catch inside a ring of candy that he sorted.
Happy Halloween!

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