Friday, May 8, 2020

May Mayhem

Ice cream to celebrate Meg's chemoversary.

Cool clouds on an evening walk

Bad self haircut. Thankfully he fixed it.

some days I wanted to stay in bed all day. I did a couple times.
Azaleas bloomed. 

Kids did skits/ jokes for teacher appreciation celebrations.

We sorted through and gave away a lot of the kids' old clothes.
I had a very stressful Walmart trip, where I was coughed on/near twice! I freaked out on the way home and really sanitized my groceries, clothes, and got a shower when I got home. I didn't think I would be one of those, but really it was terrible. Tons of people. The majority don't wear masks. Then the coming into my personal space and coughing. No more Culpeper Walmart for me! I prefer Lidl anyway.

We did some cool crystal artwork one day. We were inspired by a post from my friend, Nicole Shiffler.

Katherine and I made an art museum one afternoon after seeing the art challenge from my friend, Rebecca Cox, who is an art teacher who is sharing some of her assignments online.

Thankful an abundance of ideas! Never a need to be bored unless we want to be.

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