Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend

We hadn't seen my parents in months, so it was so nice and needed to see them and spend time with them! We brought them lunch and had a good visit while social distancing in the front yard. 

We also went to Williamsburg and brought dinner to Danny's parents and did the same thing there. It was nice to visit with them in their backyard.

We are so grateful for our mothers. They love us so much and adore the grandchildren. We are very blessed to have them and to be able to safely see them.

Danny and the kids made a nice Mother's Day for me too. They brought me breakfast in bed and lots of nice cards. They also gave me some cute clothes from Downeast. They sang a mothers day song at church as well an tried to be good. To be honest, I always feel depressed on Mother's Day. I felt it today too, so I had a nap and went on a walk with Danny. I can't pinpoint why I don't like it. I feel bad for people who can't have children, whose children died, people who have bad relationships with their mothers or children, people whose mothers died. A whole host of worries come to me. I might feel guilty that I have such a great mother and healthy wonderful kids, I might feel imperfect, it might be that it comes to soon after my birthday and I don't think anyone cares too much, maybe I just dwell on my failures, maybe I am overtired from driving allover to see the grandmothers, maybe it is because Sundays are my least favorite day. I don't know, but blah, I am always glad when it is over.

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