Snow days are particularly special in our family because I don't have to go to work. There are a few perks to being a teacher and snow days are one. These are the first snow days in a few years. It's also the 1st real snow that Christian gets to play in. Grant seemed to enjoy it too.

Here are a few pictures of each of the kids having fun. I like Grant making a snow angel (although he didn't really enjoy that part).
Christian being himself.
Victoria's happy to be out of school.
I'm happy to be out of school too!

Brooke is good at making Grant smile.

Brooke is also great at making hot chocolate post-snow fun.
We heard about all the snow y'all got! So much fun!
We haven't had a snow day like that this whole winter! But it's a great day when school is cancelled! And I tend to like Brooke's role myself - the hot chocolate preparer!! It's just a little warmer :)
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