Saturday, January 2, 2010

Anniversary at the zoo?

Ok, so that title could have lots of meanings in our crazy family. But, this year Danny and I did spend a portion of our 9th anniversary at the literal zoo.
Danny and I were able to spend the day together while my parents watched the kids. They did crafts and treats and just played while we had our date. I wasn't there, so I didn't take any pictures of what they worked on, but here is something we brought home.
A delicious sugar cookie Christmas tree! Wow, good job guys. Very cool.
So, for our date, Danny and I had fun rummaging around the Goodwill outlet. We found a pretty plate, a silver bowl, a cast iron skillet, some picture frames, a sweater and a pair of jeans for me, a skirt and some shorts for V, some snow pants for a future year, two Disney movies, and a sleeper sofa. All for under 30 dollars. We both love to bargain shop! We also went to a few other stores running last minute errands. Then we went to dinner at P.F. Changs. It was delicious! We had a great time driving around, shopping, dining, and talking together and being alone for a while. We really value uninterrupted time together.
So, thanks mom and dad for watching the kids. Then, we met up with them and the kids to see the Miracle of Christmas Live at the zoo. We have gone to this or been involved with this for 6 years and it always falls on the 21-23 of Dec. So, sometimes it just happens to land on our anniversary. It's just a busy week.

It was pretty freezing, but the kids loved the zoo train shuttle.

We were glad to see some of our friends, the Greenes, in the show.

It is really neat to see the Nativity with real animals and a real baby too.

1 comment:

The Henrich Family said...

happy anniversary you lovebirds! Tell Christian that Sam misses him too. He reminds me nearly on at least a weekly basis that he wants to go back home to Virginia, because it is "much better." Enough said. The child is wise for his age. We REALLY miss you guys. happy new year. let's talk soon!?