Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Fun!

What father wouldn't want to wake up to his kids bringing breakfast in bed?
Especially these kids.
And they brought him presents!
And he shared.
Happy morning.

Church was next. The speakers, the Henshaws gave good talks. The Primary kids sang, "Father, I Love You", and "I'm So Glad when Daddy Comes Home." They also gave all the dads Hershey Bars. Yum!
Man Vs. food must have been the theme this fathers day. The kids made breakfast, chocolate at church, we had homemade pizzas for lunch and bbq for dinner,and V and Christian helped me make this fun cake that we found on familyfun.com.
I think Man, a.k.a. Danny, enjoyed the food challenge. In fact, I think he won this time.

We hope you had a great Father's Day, Danny! You are a great one and we love you!

We hope our dads had good days too. We weren't able  to see them on Father's Day, (my mom and dad were at a convention and we were driving to Williamsburg the next day, so couldn't 3 times in one week) but we were glad to at least talk on the phone. Danny is going to go to a Flying Squirrels game with his dad soon. And.... I can't say what my dad is getting because that might ruin it for him.

We are thankful for dads who are hardworking, faithful, and loving! You make the world a better place!

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