Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer birthday hamburgers?

The other day I asked Victoria's teachers if there was anything I could help with for the end of the year. They said no, but then a couple days later said they thought of something I could do. I could make treats for the summer birthdays. So I decided to make little hamburgers, sliders, I guess they are called.
No, really they are hamburger cupcakes! I found the idea online somewhere when I googled summer cupcakes. They were super easy to make and look pretty cute. The burger is a brownie, the catchup, mustard/cheese, and lettuce are just icing, and to the top I just added some sesame seeds.
Victoria will be at school for her birthday this year coming up, but in Chesterfield school started later, so she was considered a summer birthday still. I brought in treats for her half birthday, but she wasn't really officially recognized with a happy birthday song, birthday certificate or pencil that day. Needless to say, she liked getting some special pre-birthday attention.
Cally's will turn 7 in July. Courtney came to celebrate too. 
We love Cally and Courtney. They were some of the first friends we met when we moved here. Cally invited V over for a playdate the first or second week we moved in. It was so nice of them! The girls get along really well and I love Courtney, as my Zumba instructor and friend. 
We celebrated Katherine's b-day too. Aren't they all cute little summer birthday girls? (is it ok to say little? They all happen to be pretty small and are probably the three youngest in the class.)
And a pic of V and Ms. Dudley. I feel bad that I didn't get a picture of V with Ms. Colbert too. She loved her teachers at Prince Edward. A lot of people speak negatively about the schools around here. We feel really lucky to have had a positive experience. Thank you to V's teachers! And happy b-day to Cally, Katherine, and V!


Pam said...

I love your hamburger cupcakes! Very creative!

Janelle said...

Awesome Brooke! What a great idea. It looks like the kids totally loved them!

Amber said...

Wow those are so cute- I'm impressed!

Ioana said...

Those are the cutest cupcakes ever! So creative!