Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Mini Eagles now!

A few weeks ago we went to the school for Open house. The kids were able to meet their teachers, Mrs. Veneble for Victoria and Mrs. Hodges for Christian. It was a good open house and the kids were pretty excited about school. It's neat that Christian can go to kindergarten and be a Prince Edward Eagle like Victoria and Dad.

Since Christian is starting kindergarten I'll tell a little bit more about his day. He went in to meet his teacher and she was great from hello. Her classroom is clean and organized and colorful and happy. She is very warm and welcoming. Christian found his name on the class apple tree. He looked around the classroom and could ask questions. She asked him to sign an open house poster too, which was a neat way for her to get a feel for what he knows and how he can write so far. He was pretty pumped and ready to start! 

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