Saturday, March 23, 2019

Opening Ceremonies and First Game

Play Ball! 
The season kicked off on Saturday!
Grant moved up to Majors this year and is on Coach Grant's team. That will be an easy name to remember.  They are the Nationals! Grant has enjoyed practices so far! We were a little concerned with him moving up early. We don't want him to sit the bench. The coach has assured us that he sees potential in him and that is why he moved up. He can't promise that he will play all the time or anything, but thinks that if we are patient that we will see that he improves over the course of the season.

Lots of Culpeper kids playing little league!

Grant's team played a close game that afternoon. G-man didn't have much playing time and it was not his most impressive game, but he has plenty more games to prove himself and we know that he will! In an extra inning, Nationals won!

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