Friday, March 22, 2019

Yowell Fun Fair

Katherine was most excited to meet up with her friends Reid and Chloe at the cake walk. Grant was glad to see Beckett there too. 
Katherine was so excited to see Mrs. Yard AND Mrs. Wensel at the consessions area selling pizza. It seemed like all of the staff members worked that night! Super nice of them all to stick around on a Friday night! They are great teachers! 

Grant's favorite activity was playing volleyball. That was his teacher, Mrs. VanLeer's station, so he was glad to see her too!

We also saw Mrs. Wheeler, his teacher from last year. She told me that he wrote her a really nice appreciation letter. I didn't know that he had written it, but I do know that he really loved her.

I didn't get many pics, but these guys had a really fun time with friends at their school's fun fair!

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