Saturday, October 5, 2019

V's Junior Homecoming

 Victoria had a really fun time at homecoming. She went with some of her best friends from cheer, Emily and Taylor. They had a fun time getting ready together.
Their shoes and pedicures were so cute!
Victoria had a great date, Joseph Holland. Gabe, Emily's date, and Joseph, were both so polite when Danny (also their principal) opened the door, shook their hands, and gave the awkward dad speech. 
He gave her a really beautiful corsage!
Funny story: We drove to a winery that one of the girls recommended and said was beautiful for pictures, but when we got there, we were underwhelmed. We were still able to get some great pictures. They all looked, "very attractive."
They went to Pinto Thai for dinner and had a fun time. Another strange story: An unknown man videotaped Victoria and Joseph exiting Joseph's car and walking to the restaurant, even asking them questions and opening the door to the restaurant for them. Victoria said that she and Joseph couldn't stop laughing about it. 

Victoria had a really fun time at the dance too. She loves dancing and was so glad to be with a date that danced. It was an overall really good night.

Danny was there too.

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