Monday, August 31, 2020

August Assortment

Katherine likes doing dishes when she plays music and is left alone.

Grant sprained his ankle, broke his growth plate... again.

G also read a lot.

We practiced a bit of woodburning.

G helped me with this board.

I learned embroidery.

Katherine crafted.
1st day of Virtual School!

1st day of Virtual School!

1st day of Virtual School!

Danny had a lot of late nights and crashed almost immediately upon returning home.

G and 1 passed a balloon back and forth 1000 times without dropping it.

The schools are doing their best to make going back feel happy and exciting.

V had Senior pictures!

This is the 1st doctor's visit for the foot/ankle

Danny and staff meeting before school started back.

At home church

mushroom hunting


lots of jellyfish

lots of rain

Still a beautiful place

Victoria before a lunch and geocaching date with her friend, JT

the malls are dying.

It is sad.

and unusual. 

Fort Monroe Day!

We were so glad to go and see Lorel and the cousins! The 2 youngest kids stayed for a couple days and had a blast. On this trip east, Christian had a special shopping day with Geema and then hung out with Papa too. I got to see my friend, Ashley for a bit too!

Domino Rally

Micro cache

another cache

I find treasures in my yard too.

I love signs of kids being outside and using their creativity!

We have been to the river several times over corona virus.

He is a great captain!

The garden this year is probably our best yet!

Katherine is enjoying swim team!

from our garden- beans and the tomatoes for the spaghetti sauce

Katherine is loving her American girl doll from Grandma!

She loves yoga too!

Garden pic- it is just a small square foot garden, but grows well!

FYI, I think these pictures are in backwards chronological order.


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