Thursday, August 27, 2020

First Day of School (In-Person Learning)

Today as a big day!

It was Victoria's first day of her Senior Year!

Masked are required in school this year, but they can take them off when they sit down because they will be 6 feet or more away from others.  This is possible because only about a quarter of the school will be there at a time. About half of the students are only attending virtually. Of the half who are attending in person, the first half of the alphabet will attend on Mondays and Tuesdays and the 2nd half will attend on Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays will be for deep cleaning the school and for virtual work for all students. This is so strange, but we are glad that they have a good mitigation plan to minimize risk and to safely allow children to return to a bit of normalcy.  

Where has the time gone?!

Christian was kind to hold up 10 fingers for me. He is a Sophomore this year!

Grant is a 6th grader now! Wow, Middle School already?! Although, he is totally ready!

It is super cool that these 3 can ride to school together this year!

Katherine is in 3rd grade this year!

She feels great about it!
I love these kids so much! Even if this year is not ideal, or not the way that we imagined it or hoped it would be, I know that they will have a successful year!

And they are off! 

I am really happy for Grant, Christian, and Victoria to have this special sibling bonding time in the car before and after school. I am happy for Katherine and I to have some time to play together before school too.  Today we played several rounds of Shut the Box and had a lot of fun.  


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