Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Highs and Lows of December

I like to do puzzles in the winter. Kids helped me with this one. Unfortunately, it was missing 2 pieces. It is a gamble that I am willing to take when I buy them at Goodwill for $1. 

We like bringing nature inside, even in the winter.

One of my favorite Christmas decorations! It was from my Grandma's house and I think the colors look magical. I probably could have taken a better picture. (And good news, I found the star!)

Katherine and I did a lot of gathering to make wreaths with Victoria and the girls she nannies. Hopefully V has the after pictures. Our work was worth it- the wreaths were beautiful!

Another day, another craft. This time, ornaments!

This time we filled them with floor polish and glitter! They looked beautiful!

Primary put on a creative Christmas activity. 

The bishop read a children's book, I Believe in Santa Claus. The leaders also gave out treats!

We went to get a Christmas tree and found one. Grant did the honors!

Thanks, guys!

I had a fun night out with Grant-man. Can you just see how much I love him? He is so fun, energic, and smart. Also, see what we did here? See the sign above us? Sod!

I love cozy nights inside by the tree.

Danny and the boys do zoom YM in the basement and V and I do zoom YW in the dining room.

I love shopping for and wrapping gifts for the angel tree. Always something that I like to save time for during the month. 

Movie night in the basement!

Another Wednesday playdate! 
V is a very good, patient, and creative Nanny and a kind sister who often includes Katherine.

Youth group Christmas Party was cool.
Spiritual thought by Morgan.

We did a white elephant/ cakewalk style gift exchange.

We also had another indoor snowball fight!

Do you know that the youth, in large part, plan and put on the activities? The adult-leaders, like me, just get to assist! It is pretty cool and they are becoming very capable. I am proud of and love these kids.

I am also proud of Grant when he gets a positive referral! His English teacher, Mrs. Loreno, thinks that he is fantastic and someone to look up to! So proud of my boy and love when my kids show respect for their teachers and classmates, work hard, and show integrity.

V was a good sport about getting her wisdom teeth removed! She let me take some really funny videos of her in the car on the way home too. 

The kids had cookies and crafts with Grandma! V was there too, but her face was extremely swollen and she wasn't feeling too well. 

Grandma prepped and sent all of the supplies home with me after I visited with her and Grandpa (I have started going most weeks. I just hand sanitize and wear a mask when I am there.) The kids made the traditional tree and treats with Grandma on facetime or zoom. Happy to keep the tradition going, in spite of difficult circumstances with the pandemic and dad's cancer.

This year, my brothers and I were given the Dicken's Village pieces that were given to my parents from my Grandma Ley's house. It was really special to have them set up in our dining room, which also used to be her dining room furniture. I am very blessed. 

Danny dressed festively for school spirit week.

Victoria was quarantined because the night before her wisdom teeth surgery she hung out with a friend who later tested positive. They were wearing masks while they were together at target, but she quarantined anyway. So, Katherine didn't want to take any chances around V. It wasn't too hard for V to stay at arms distance  because she was also tired and recovering from the surgery, but after a few days, she needed people! Such a people person!

Katherine did some Christmas crafts.

Snow day!

Christmas books!

icy beauty

Christmas cookies

These girls tried to set up a date night/getaway for Danny and I for our anniversary. I don't recall for certain (I am writing this several months later and might clarify with Danny), but even though it was our 20 year, things were very hectic with my dad being sick, snow, a kid quarantined, and more.  Instead, we kept it casual close to home and went to dinner at Thyme Market, which we enjoyed. We will try again next year. 

Still having church at home.

Enjoying the music, as you can see! We are still very reverent. Eek!

Finished cookies.

Another puzzle.

More cookies! I like these ones!

Most of what I shared so far is "High" and December is generally a very happy time, but there were some "lows" and "mixed highs and lows" as well.

My dad was not doing well at all and my mom who had been caring for him for months and months, nearly on her own due to the pandemic was exhausted and in desperate need of sleep and a brief break. If I recall correctly, Scott helped my mom bring him into the ER. Hospital policies at this time were terrible (understandable in some regards, but terrible in others) and until this day only allowed one visitor per day. On the 21st, he was to be moved upstairs to a room and a kind ER worker suggested that I could be the one visitor on the new floor and they would never know. I was so thankful that I could be there with him and also give my mom a night of a little more sleep at home. Even though I was only there for a brief time, it was a really special time for me to be with him and care for him. It was a time when he needed a loving family member. It was also a spiritual night for me when I felt very close to the spirit.


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