Last Monday's FHE (family home evening) was taught by Danny and was about reverence (due to the serious need which was evident during sacrament meeting the day before.) So,oftentimes our FHEs are just quick lessons from the Friend or a scripture story or just reading the back of a gospel art kit picture or something. I really like it better when the lessons are prepared in advance. Danny did a good job with our lesson and really had Victoria and Christian engaged and listening. This is a picture of his little lesson- types of behavior written on slips of paper in a vase. If the behavior was reverent we put it on the temple picture, but if it was irreverent we put it in the trashcan.

Victoria was in charge of Activity and she thought that it would be good if we could all help give Grant his bath since normally just Danny or I bathe him and they are asleep already.

Christian was snack helper. He was going to serve candy, but then I suggested that he serve the leftover vegetable soup that they made in Joyschool at the Henrich's that day! He was "souper" excited about that idea. He was very proud of what he helped create with his friends. He really is a naturally joyful kid. Plus, he chooses veggies over candy. Nice!

I am glad for simple but great nights with the family.
1 comment:
I definitely had one of those very irreverent sacrament meetings today! We had a similar FHE a few months back after another particularly bad day, complete with new expectations for their behavior. They'd been really good until now. Today Audrey insisted she didn't know how to use a quiet voice and Philip was just all over the place making all sorts of noises. I wanted to disappear!
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