Twas the day before kindergarten and we were so excited.
Danny and I made back to school cupcakes to share with our friends at a Labor Day Cook out at the Mccoin's house. (the idea was not mine- the cupcakes are in Family Fun magazine, which I love). It was a really fun end of summer bash. We love the Mccoins and are thankful to have fun friends around. By the way, the kids thought that Labor Day meant Back to School Celebration Day. It can be both, right?
After bath and pajamas, Victoria had a Father's Blessing to help her to have a great school year. She loves her dad so much! He is a good dad. She has only had a handful of blessings in her life and they really help her to be calm.
Then, we read books as always, but needed to read the school/ kindergarten variety. Here we are with Bearenstein Bear's Back to School. Check out how tired V is. She is rubbing her lips which is a tired habit she has had for quite a while. And check out how humongous I am at 40+ weeks! Thank you children and book for covering most of me.
Victoria in the outfit and shoes she picked for the big day. She did a good job! She looked very cute.
We were ready fairly early so there was plenty of time for a new shoe box "Bongo" performance. Totally Christian's idea.
Of course we needed a few backpack shots! She's getting older, but little still too.

Then it was finally time to go to the bus stop! How exciting! I wasn't sure how I felt about her riding the bus, but at kindergarten orientation the principal and teacher both stressed that if you ever want your child to ride the bus during the year, he or she really needs to start the first week when they wear name tags, have volunteers helping kids get on and off the bus, write bus numbers on hands etc. If they start later in the year, no one will really notice that it is new for them and they won't get the extra help that they might need in finding the right bus, etc. I thought it was a good idea to give it a whirl.
It was fun to meet some of the other moms and dads and kids that live nearby. The bus stop has tons of kids! There are a couple moms that do before and after school care so that increases the numbers, but still I never knew so many kids live so close!
V held my hand and stayed very close to Christian and I at the bus stop. I worried for a bit that she was getting nervous as the minutes went by. However, when the bus was in sight she was excited again, gave us hugs and got in line with the other kids to get on.

I can't decide if this picture shows nervous or "Mom, I really don't have time for any more pics. Can't you see that the bus is here?!!!"

She did great! I was so proud of her! She sat in the very first seat on the bus with another kindergartner, a boy in her class, named Christopher. She smiled and waved as they drove off! I tried to get a picture of that, but it didn't work out.
What a relief! The morning went so smoothly! I couldn't have asked for better.
There were no tears from either of us! Thank you Heavenly Father for preparing us to be so happy about Victoria growing up and becoming more independent! About a year ago when some of my friend's kindergartners went to school I cried and cried just imagining V going. We both have had some time to prepare though. I think Victoria going to summer school really helped ease the transition. Plus, she seems so smart and capable lately. She seems to really be outgrowing her shyness and separation anxiety issues. She learned and grew so much this summer- how to swim, started cheerleading, started to learn to read(Dick and Jane books). She just seems so confident. Plus, I think it helps that Christian is still with me and Grant will be here so soon too. We'll stay busy. Victoria and I also discussed that we would do girls nights out more frequently too, so we can still have plenty of special one on one time. Anyway, I was really really thankful for a great start!
Christian and I had a busy day while V was busy at school. We went to club mom first and had breakfast and saw a performance by Mad Science. Then, Christian went to Grandma's house while I went to see Dr. Dausche, my excellent ob. Glad to have my last pre-baby appt. over with. We had lunch and then played for a bit at my mom's. Then we all came here to pick up V from the bus stop. Mom asked if it was OK and I thought it would make V happy to know that she will still see grandma, even when she goes to school.
I don't have any proof, but I think those outstretched arms are for me. I was ready to give her a big welcome home squeeze too!
We walked home and heard all about the fun day! She like it a lot and thinks her teacher, Mrs. Grider is nice. They "even had art today!" Victoria's favorite thing was "riding the bus!" She was glad to show and tell her artwork and her sticker. She said that only one boy and one girl got them for good behavior and she was the girl! That made her pretty pleased. It was a great day!
1 comment:
Hey Brooke,
I had a hard first day of school this year too. All day I couldn't stop thinking about Christopher going to school next year. Hopefully, I will be like you and have this year to prepare for it and not cry, we shall see, and good luck tomorrow, I hope all goes well. Know I love you and I hope for the best for. You are in my prayers.
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