Christian chose to have a "beach party" for his 4th b-day. It was his first birthday with a "friend's party" and was a wild and exciting day.
Christian was excited when he woke up and saw his beach cake!
In our family, the birthday person picks the meals. But, he couldn't eat the cake. Besides, he had already chosen Fruit Loops for breakfast. He had them from a necklace he made one time and wanted the cereal with the"parrot" on the box. Apparently, he enjoyed them thoroughly.
He had a splash at his party- that is he had a great time playing in the water, having cake and ice cream, and opening presents with his friends and family!
Christian, Sam, and Josh in the mini pools
Make a wish, 4 year old! I bet he wished for a mustache, but that is a whole "nother" post!
Love this one! Isn't he adorable? He enjoyed the big gummy shark from on top of his cake!
Christian got lots of other cool pool, superhero, big boy type toys from his cousins and friends! THANKS! He has loved them!
It was a fun, but wild party. So, afterwards, I would love to say that we just had an easy evening, but we actually had a house showing, so we had a ton of party mess(the pools, props, food stuff, etc) to clean up in 2 hours! We got it done though and took Christian out to Popeye's while some people checked out our house. It was a good day!
You are such a talented girl!!! I LOVE all of the fun things you do for your kids. You definitely remember every tiny detail. Your kids are so lucky to have you! Glad to see you're doing well.
Such a fun day for your little man! I hope the house showing went well. I don't know how you guys manage to do all this stuff!
You threw a great little bash! The cake was very cool... good job! I can't believe you only had two hours to clean it all up. Ahh!
Happy late birthday to Christian! 4 is a fun age.
Hey, so you saw my little bro Mark?? When, where, with who...etc?! Details please! I never see him or talk to him (well, hardly ever!). He is like THE hardest person to ever get a hold of. When someone does have a "Mark-sighting" or a "Mark-talking-to" it's a big deal. Please share the story! :)
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