Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Playgroup

We had a festive few days leading up to Halloween, starting with a Halloween playgroup! There was a big turnout of moms and kids. Playgroups have been pretty sparse lately, so this was fun to have so many friends there again! We'll sure miss seeing these friends on a weekly basis when we move.

Drea brought lots of yummy Halloween sugar cookies. The kids decorated them with icing from Amy and Alicia and toppings from all the other moms. Holiday playgroups have become a group effort. Everyone contributes a litte and it turns out to be great fun for everyone.

Christian shared a really cool witch cookie with me.

The kids also rode around on bikes, ride-ons, scooters, etc.

Here's Grant playing with one of them. Cute little Dalmation puppy, huh?

Next, the kids listened to me tell and read Halloween stories. Then Melissa helped them with a lollipop ghost craft.

Lastly, they got to hit a pinata that Jen brought! Not sure if you can tell, but Christian was jumping up and down while he was hitting the eyeball! It was nuts! I must say, I love my little Hyper Hypo!

The pinata finally broke and the kids were pretty excited!

It was a fun playgroup!

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