So, Danny got a subpoena in the mail a few weeks ago and went to court today. We found out how they caught the guy that hit us. After he hit us and drove over the median to get onto 288, he checked in to a hotel. The hotel staff noticed how intoxicated he was, saw the crashed car that he was driving, and called the police because they suspected that he probably hit someone. Since it was the same night and not too far away, fit the description, and had a missing hubcap that matched the one he lost, they figured he was the guy.
Also interesting to note, he did in fact have a mustache. Danny said that when he went into the court room he looked for a guy with a mustache and knew it was him right away. In case I didn't mention that in the last post about this crazy night- when we were driving home the boys were both asleep and both behind Danny on the drivers side. That was the side that the drunk driver hit. When he scraped his car along the side of ours, Christian's eyes must have instantly opened, because right away Christian told us that the guy that hit us had a mustache. They must have been face to face. Danny and I certainly hadn't seen the guy's face at all!
So, the guy got off pretty light in my opinion considering that he could have killed us or anyone else. His punishment was a 750 dollar fine with 500 of that suspended, 30 days in jail, all of which was suspended, and restitution. Luckily this week I took the car to two places and got 2 separate estimates of what the damage would cost to fix. They were only 40 dollars apart from each other, so the judge just split the difference.
So, he is supposed to pay us for the damage to our car within 60 days. But sadly, he gave Danny a fake phone #. "Alrightie then, have fun in jail." He gave Danny some insurance info, but they said that the coverage didn't start until a month after the accident. We're not too worried about it, we were and still are thankfully all fine and the car is in pretty decent shape all things considered. Things will all work out.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Our little Jasper Johns
Christian has studied the United States in Social Studies so far this year (see Fourth of July in September parade post)Well, in his art class, Mrs. Utzinger's class, they talked about the lines and patterns in the American flag. They created their own American flags on newspaper inspired by Pop artist, Jasper Johns. Christian did a great job with his, so his was one of four to be on display at the School Board Office along with some artwork from the other grade levels. We went to see it on display and we think he did a great job! Maybe he'll grow up to be a Pop artist?
Coley Family Reunion
Last weekend we enjoyed ourselves at the annual Coley Family Reunion. The kids had fun being the center of attention along with Aiden. The food was good, epecially Sharon's bbq which the kids loved enough to request for their birthday meals next year. And we enjoyed seeing some of Danny's mom's side of the family. We'll do it again next year. Hopefully more of Danny's siblings and cousins can be there too.
Grant's 2nd birthday fun!!!!!
Grant turned two and we had fun celebrating!!!
Danny started the day by bringing Grant a balloon and singing happy birthday. We had yogurt and banana for breakfast- some of Grant's favorite foods. The big kids went to school and dad went to work, but Grant and I had a great time going to the park and McDonald's with the our friends Maria, Thomas, and Jacqueline.
Jacqueline and Grant took turns pushing each other on the swings. They were so fun to watch. They are just 6 days apart (Grant's older) and are always happy to see each other.
Grant likes to run from thing to thing at the park -as you can see he enjoys it all.
Danny had to work that night at the home football game, but he came home when the kids got off the bus and had snack with us. Danny also took that time to assemble a new leaf blower. Grant thought that was fun.
"Hello, up there!"
We went out to Macado's earlier in the week since we knew Danny wouldn't be around on Friday. On Grant's birthday the kids and I had a fun movie night.
Then, on Sunday afternoon we really celebrated! We had an easy going "Take me Out to the Ballgame" themed party with Grandma, Grandpa, Scott, Chrissy, Hailey, Sydney, Craig, Lorel, Ella, and Isaac. Grant loves seeing his family and loves balls, so this was great.
Our dinner wasn't a well balanced meal. With the exception of cantelope and baked beans, it was all just classic ball game food- hot dogs, pretzels, cracker jacks, peanuts, and nachos. Not the healthiest, but Yum!! 
Ella, and all of the other kids ate theirs, but Grant didn't eat a thing! That isn't at all like him. I think he was a little too excited to eat.
and Isaac were too distracting.
But then again, how can you ignore a face like this?
We all had fun playing outside after dinner.
We just played for a while, then played a baseball on a spoon game.
Then, we read Grant's favorite book, Froggy Plays T-Ball!
Grant tried to tell the story too.
The ball hit Froggy right in the "Nose!"
Grant's cousins and brother and sister all made such nice cards for him.
He loved his presents too! He wore his hat from Grandma and Grandpa and played with his presents right way. Thanks guys!
He blew out his 2 candles and is so proud of himself! Goooooo, Grant-y!
We love you, our two-year-old boy!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Christian's 4th of July (in September) Parade
Christian and his fellow kindergartners have been learning about America, the American flag, and the fourth of July. On Friday they had a fun "Fourth of July" celebration.
Mrs. Hodge's Class
There's our guy!
Christian thought it was a pretty big deal to wear red and blue and march in a parade sporting a hat that he made and shaking a shaker that he constructed.Isn't he cute?
Grant and I had fun watching the parade. Grant wanted to join in and almost did!
Afterward, the kids got to eat the coolest flag cake ever! Too bad I wasn't quicker to take the picture. As you can see though, the thing was sweet!
It was a fun day and I was glad to be able to be a part!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Grant's fire station fun
Grant and I had fun going to the fire station for a MOPS play date. Here are just a few pictures.
He was afraid of the firefighter in the fire uniform. I think it may have been the helmet, yet at the same time he kinda wanted to touch it.
He also wanted to get in the firetruck, but didn't want to get out. He will be 2 soon after all.
Let's end on a positive. He did a great job listening and looking at what the fire fighter was showing them.
I think little Grant and I are going to have a good year together while the big kids are at school.
He was afraid of the firefighter in the fire uniform. I think it may have been the helmet, yet at the same time he kinda wanted to touch it.
He also wanted to get in the firetruck, but didn't want to get out. He will be 2 soon after all.
Let's end on a positive. He did a great job listening and looking at what the fire fighter was showing them.
I think little Grant and I are going to have a good year together while the big kids are at school.
V's Tea Party Birthday Celebration
For quite a while V has known that she wanted a tea party for her next birthday! Her tea party finally came and she was so glad that so many of her friends could come!
They had fun dressing up and accessorizing!
Then, we made tissue paper flowers.
When it was time for tea, Danny was a great server. He served ham bicuits, cucumber sandwiches, chicken salad croissants, fruits, and vegetables too. Who would have know that the cucumber sandwiches would be such a hit!
Look at this table full of beautiful girls!
Then, it was time to blow out the candles!
But, she had to blow them out again because I accidently put 6 instead of 7 candles on her pastel little cupcake. Does that mean she got two wishes?
The girls loved the eclairs, heart shaped brownie bites, and mini cupcakes. Who wouldn't, right?!
We had extra time for an fun impromptu party game afterward. It was called birdie in a thimble. The girls sat in a circle. Susan (Geemaw) poured a little water from a miniature teapot into an even tinier thimble. Then the girl to her right was asked to think of a kind of bird. She opened her napkin on her lap and the girls began to guess what bird it was.
When someone guessed the right bird, the girl to her left got to pour a thimble full of water on to her nose. They thought it was hilarious. I had never heard of it before, but will keep it in my repertoire of games for the future.
Thank you to both of the grandmothers for helping! They brought lots of china and dishes and linens to borrow as well as hats and dress up things. They helped with food and games and dishes and everything else and made clean up afterward a breeze! Thank you, Mom and Susan.
Thanks girls for the great time!
Hope it was all you were hoping it would be. Love you, V!
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