Grant turned two and we had fun celebrating!!!
Danny started the day by bringing Grant a balloon and singing happy birthday. We had yogurt and banana for breakfast- some of Grant's favorite foods. The big kids went to school and dad went to work, but Grant and I had a great time going to the park and McDonald's with the our friends Maria, Thomas, and Jacqueline.
Jacqueline and Grant took turns pushing each other on the swings. They were so fun to watch. They are just 6 days apart (Grant's older) and are always happy to see each other.
Grant likes to run from thing to thing at the park -as you can see he enjoys it all.
Danny had to work that night at the home football game, but he came home when the kids got off the bus and had snack with us. Danny also took that time to assemble a new leaf blower. Grant thought that was fun.
"Hello, up there!"
We went out to Macado's earlier in the week since we knew Danny wouldn't be around on Friday. On Grant's birthday the kids and I had a fun movie night.
Then, on Sunday afternoon we really celebrated! We had an easy going "Take me Out to the Ballgame" themed party with Grandma, Grandpa, Scott, Chrissy, Hailey, Sydney, Craig, Lorel, Ella, and Isaac. Grant loves seeing his family and loves balls, so this was great.
Our dinner wasn't a well balanced meal. With the exception of cantelope and baked beans, it was all just classic ball game food- hot dogs, pretzels, cracker jacks, peanuts, and nachos. Not the healthiest, but Yum!! 
Ella, and all of the other kids ate theirs, but Grant didn't eat a thing! That isn't at all like him. I think he was a little too excited to eat.
and Isaac were too distracting.
But then again, how can you ignore a face like this?
We all had fun playing outside after dinner.
We just played for a while, then played a baseball on a spoon game.
Then, we read Grant's favorite book, Froggy Plays T-Ball!
Grant tried to tell the story too.
The ball hit Froggy right in the "Nose!"
Grant's cousins and brother and sister all made such nice cards for him.
He loved his presents too! He wore his hat from Grandma and Grandpa and played with his presents right way. Thanks guys!
He blew out his 2 candles and is so proud of himself! Goooooo, Grant-y!
We love you, our two-year-old boy!
Happy Birthday to your cute little boy! He is adorable!
You did another great job with the party Brooke!
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