Saturday, September 4, 2010

V turns 7!

Can you believe that our little baby girl just turned 7? Where has the time gone? Here are a few pictures from the actual birthday. A party post will follow.
Victoria chose french toast for breakfast. We now make french toast the way Janelle Marshall taught me- use a french bread loaf instead and add a dash of vanilla to the eggs and milk. Simple changes make a big difference! Yum!!!

Victoria had school on her birthday since school starts so much earlier here. I think she had a pretty good day. I met up with her at the end of  the school day and brought her class cupcakes in  ice cream cones. They were my favorite as a kid and she hadn't ever tried them, so thought that would be fun. She loved them! It was a hot day and they looked like melted ice cream cones so they thought that was funny.
We went to El Patron, our favorite local Mexican restaurant, for dinner. We were all pleased, especially V, when they brought a special hat and fried ice cream for dessert for the birthday girl.

Then they let the boys try on the fun hats too!

After dinner we went to mini golf. Just the kids played, but dad coached a little. It was a fun night and we think V had a good day!

Enjoy being 7, Victoria! We love you!


Ioana said...

Happy late b-day, V!!! It's so cool that they let you bring homemade treats to school (here they have to be store bought). It seems like she had such a fun day!

Mom said...

I love the sombrero! Very cute!