Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas tree farm/ pumpkin patch?

We love the Chesterfield Berry farm, but their admission prices are just ridiculous. We didn't want to drive all the way to Ashland, although we like that one too. And we couldn't find an open chunk of time big enough to go to either of them anyway! So, we looked on-line for what was close and found one! It was in Appomatox and was called Village Garden. We called on Friday afternoon around 4:00 to see when they closed and they said, "Come on!"

When we got there, there was only one other car. After 10 minutes, it was just us. So, we had our own family hayride! We had a fun time, just us, looking for the perfect pumpkins (and mums for "mum").  We also had fun with their friendly dog, whose name I can't remember now. I need to stop waiting weeks to post on here. Well, at least we have these cute pics.

Christian found a great leaf as soon as we arrived. They found lots of acorns too. The owner gave them each a ziplock and let them gather some like squirrels. 
We played a game with the mums while the owner helped another customer check out. Everyone run to the biggest mum they see. Now walk to your favorite one. V liked this one.
 I love this family. It was funny that Grant didn't want to take off his tri-corner hat for the day. I think it made the pictures even cuter.
To the pumpkins! (they were really already cut and hidden amongst the Christmas trees)

After some hunting, everyone found a great looking pumpkin.
 Danny, were you doing weird stuff behind me while I was taking the picture? The eyes looking behind me to my left answer that question. Another advantage to being the only family there. You can dance like an idiot and not many people see you.
 Christian has loved these Crocs! They crack me up- so perfect for him. Thanks Chrissy for showing me these.
 I like this picture. Could have been better if Grant's face was showing just a bit more and I had angled better to not get the door, but still. I like the colors together and Grant really did love their dog.

So, a different experience, but it was low key family time outside on a pretty day and we had fun. All 3 pumpkins, the private hayride, and 2 beautiful Chrysanthemums,(oh, and 3 bags of acorns too) cost about 1/4 of the cost of the Chesterfield Berry Farm. Plus, it was about 30 minutes closer. The owner was very nice. We think we might want to cut down our Christmas tree there this year. We haven't had a live tree since we were married and I really strongly prefer real trees, so I might finally get one!

1 comment:

Mom said...

That looks like a great, fun place.
Plus a good deal!