Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bringing Love, Snow, and Snuggles

Just a couple pictures of Katherine's first week home. She brought a special peace and love to our house!

The first snow of the year came too! It was short lived, but Danny and the kids were able to play for a little while on Monday morning. (Feb 20). Danny took a couple pictures.

My mom came to stay from Monday afternoon until Friday evening because Danny went back to work on Tuesday.  She was such a huge help playing with Grant, making meals,cleaning, doing laundry, helping the kids with their homework, taking Grant to swimming lessons, etc. She also took sugar cookies with pink icing to the kids' school to share with their classmates. That was really fun for the kids. She's an awesome mom and grandma!

The kids love holding her, kissing her, reading, and singing to her. We're enjoying her so much!


The Henrich Family said...

what a sweetie!

Liz said...

So cute seeing the big brothers and sister loving on her!

Mom said...

Loved being able to be there with you and help out! Don't love the pics of me! Yuck! Looking old and tired!.