Sunday, May 13, 2012

Easter 2012

Prior to Easter we made a goal to become more familiar with the bible stories, so we read several stories every night and enjoyed them.We also had an Easter FHE.

We always dye Easter eggs.

 A new thing this year was a huge Easter Egg hunt for the town. There were 20,000 eggs. 15,000 on the ground and 5,000 more dropped by helicopter. It was a pretty neat idea, but really crowded. And it was a little disappointing that the kids were split up by age. We ran into Denise Manry and her kids and the Hamiltons there. The men took the older kids and the women stayed with the younger ones. For this reason- no pics of the big kids. But they had a good time, especially Christian!
 The kids were really patient waiting for the go ahead!
 the helicopter came and dropped eggs several times and that was really cool to see eggs falling like rain!
 There was a massive crowd, but Grant was happy to gather about 4 or 5 eggs.
 Our friend Thomas found a special egg that had a slip of paper in it. His prize was a beanie baby.
 As I mentioned, Christian had a great time because he won one of 5 big prizes- a portable dvd player. He was pretty stoked and unpacked it and put it up in the car right away. We will only use it on long rides, but it is neat to have!

On Easter morning the kids were eager to find their baskets!
 Danny helped Katherine find hers. It had a toy and a pack of pink and purple pacifiers!
 Grant found his in his booster seat and was excited about some pool toys.
 Victoria was so thoughtful and made a basket for Danny and I!
 C found his in the fridge!
 He looked pretty pumped about these marshmellows, but then realized that he didn't have a toy and felt sad. It was still in the refrigerator and was a toypedo also for the pool.
 And V found hers in the pantry and contrary to her face here, she was stoked to find a new umbrella in her basket.
 After a nice breakfast we went to church. It was a good day. We attempted a family pic afterward.

  We'll try again sometime, but instead of a trashcan and a timer, I think we'll ask Lorel to give us a hand! She's awesome and we are going to want to remember this stage while our kids are still young.V was the only one really feeling up to a photo shoot anyway, so we took a few pics of her.
 Then we went to mom and dad's for Easter dinner, an egg hunt, and fun with the fam!

 Katherine in her puffy pink dress from grandma.
V and Ella dancing!

It was a good time and I think everyone enjoyed the holiday!

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