Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Katherine's Blessing Day

Katherine was blessed on the first Sunday of April at the Farmville branch. Danny gave the blessing and our dads and brothers also participated in the circle. It was nice to have both sides of our family there. We were unable to get group shots as people had to leave early and such and the kids changed clothes right away when we got back to our house for lunch.

Her blessing was short and sweet. The main blessing was that Katherine would have joy in her life, that she would find joy in everyday things. That sounds very simple, but what an incredible blessing- to be happy!

Katherine looked so precious in her blessing dress and I wish I had taken better pictures of her to capture how she really looked, but here are a few shots from her big day.

She is such a patient and calm baby!
We love her so much and are so glad she is here!
Proud dad!

Happy mom and holding hungry baby.

I fed her and we fed the families- taco salad and brownies. Keeping it simple, yet delicious.
Katherine met 3 of her girl cousins on the Soderholm side! Aurora and Rorik are the closest in age, but are in California. We look forward to introducing them sometime.
The girls really liked her!
Bobby and Kattia liked her too!
And of course, Grandma and Grandpa, and Geemaw and Papa love her too!
Her oldest cousin Robert held her too.
Wanted to add that Robert and Christian built a Lego spider together that day.
Here's a close-up.
And TJ and Orion came too! Those boys are goofy.
On a sad note, Craig and Lorel's family was there too, but poor Ella got sick in the car on the way, so they had to leave straight after the blessing.

Katherine sure is loved. We were really thankful for the family coming to meet her and/or hear her blessing.

1 comment:

Ioana said...

How wonderful!!! I think that being happy is quite a quality that not too many people have! Miss you guys!