Sunday, November 29, 2015

Grant's field trip to Chippokes

Mrs. Baker's first grade class went on a field trip to Chippokes Plantation. We went with 2 other classes and took turns doing three different things. The simplest part was my favorite and Grant's too. We went on a walk in the woods. We walked quietly and looked and listened to the things around us. Our guide told us some interesting things too. 
 We found some cool beetles living in a fallen log.
 Katherine was happy with this teeny tiny leaf.
 Grant found this tiny little thing. Spur? Seed pod? I'm not sure. He has always been a good "noticer" He used to have a collection (a pretty big collection) of ....weed wacker strings that he found everywhere! It was pretty funny and we collected them in a jar. 

 People often ask if Grant is always so good to his sister. Well, of course not always, but he is very good to her. She is a lucky little girl because all of her siblings are great to her. She loves them dearly for it. We really try to teach family first and at times like this when he could choose to just play with his classmates and not her, it makes me really glad that he includes her and watches over her.
 Maya is a good friend of Grant's who lives just around the corner. She is a cool girl and we like her a lot. 
 The next portion of the field trip was looking at the outdoor museum of old farm equipment. The kids learned how a lot of things were done in the past. They asked some really good questions.

 Lastly, we went on a wagon ride. This is my friend, Cheryl, and her sweet girl, Addy. Cheryl is an awesome mom and an amazing PTA president! Grant was glad to go to Addy's birthday party at the YMCA this year.
This is another friend, Andrea, and her son, Hunter. Danny and I are friends with Andrea because she used to be the assistant principal at the elementary school. Grant and Hunter are friends at school and are about to start playing indoor soccer together. 

 This little gem is of Grant and his friend, Carter. They were together in kindergarten too and get along great!
 Katherine in Grant's hoodie. Seriously, see how she loves her brother?
 Kyle, Carter, and Grant. Kyle is a new friend this year who Grant really likes and we were excited because we discovered that he lives on the street behind us! He came over to play one afternoon and his family invited us there for ice cream sundaes one day too. Really great family. Glad we can get to know them. 

Fun field trip. As always, I am so glad that I can be there for things like this. 

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