Saturday, June 22, 2019

Girls Camp 2019

I was excited to go to camp with V again!

I got to be a unit mom for the YCLs (youth camp leaders who were 16-18). They were an awesome bunch! Here they are in our craft cabin where we had nightly devotionals and prayer at night.

The theme was "Becoming the Greatest Me" and was based off of the Greatest Showman. It was a really cool theme and it was an overall great week.
One thing that was special was that I got several secret sister gifts throughout the week, even though leaders didn't have to do it. I found out later that they were from my friend, Rachel Hibbert. She is so kind and great at serving others. 

One day we wore the tie-dyes that we made before camp. 
V making bracelets
Morgan got a happy camper award

That afternoon, a member of our bishopric, Brother Burkhardt, came and visited us and brought candy bars. He stayed for dinner and our testimony meeting.

A few friends from the ward!

Alyssa's birthday! She was honored at breakfast!

A special highlight of the week was the high ropes course. It was a lot of fun for a lot of our girls. 

 It was pretty terrifying for me. Ashley was also very scared and didn't want to do it, so we partnered up and conquered our fear together!

 (Nevermind, my ragged appearance- day 5 of super late nights without much sleep. I was still smiling)

It was also fun to see our girls in skits with their various levels. 

One more thing, I got to teach Zumba for 4 hours one day! It was in the 90's and I got a really great workout in! I was pleased that I am still able, despite not being in top shape.
Victoria and Alex (rainbow tie-dye) were YCLs to a group of 4th year girls. It was difficult in some ways because the girls are barely younger than them, but also fun because they are friends. V was a really good leader. She was especially good at leading songs and such when the whole group was together. 

My favorite talk was by Sis. _______ and was about self worth. A favorite activity was going to a nearby pool! So much fun!  It was an overall good week, full of spiritual moments, crafts, sports, growth, good food, good fun, and good friends!

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