Sunday, June 2, 2019

My dad's (Grandpa's) 70th birthday!

We had a surprise 70th birthday for my dad in the hospital a few days before his birthday! Thankfully, I am writing this much later, and he survived, but at the time he was very very sick. We weren't too sure if he would make it and  neither did the nurses so they thought that going ahead with the party would be a good idea. We definitely had planned to do this another way- at my parents' house with food catered for dinner. The reality was, that we set up a surprise party in the lobby and it was very quick, like 15 minutes. My mom still found a way to make it special and memorable.

We waited until my mom and a nurse brought him out.

 We were all very happy to see him and yelled "surprise!"

He was very sick and felt exhausted and miserable with a fever, but was a good sport, opened a few presents and felt glad to see us! 

My brothers and I stayed and visited for a bit while Danny, the sister-in-laws, and the kids went to my parents' house to have dinner and play.

We know that these past few months have been super hard, but hope that 70 will be a year of healing miracles for him!

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