I told my friends that I didn't really need a baby shower because we really have what we need in our attic, but isn't it fun that they didn't take me very seriously! I didn't need it, but I loved it! Really, I have some great friends around here! They planned a joint celebration for Corinne and I. It was fun that they found so many of our in common friends from MOPS, the Y, school/preschool, and church. Several friends pitched in to make it a really fun night for us! It has been really fun to be pregnant at the same time as friends this time and really fun to have a shower with Corinne. It has been fun to compare notes, share excitements and complaints and so forth.
Jenn Kinne hosted and is always so good at parties. The girls came up the theme of cookies and milk! So, needless to say, we enjoyed some pretty awesome food and cute decorations.

Maria made these adorable cupcakes in jars with really yummy cookies and cream filling and butter cream frosting. Yep, I know, we are lucky.
Megan made a cake pop station. There was melted chocolate too, but these pics were taken pre-shower. They were very good!
The milk bar was are really fun idea.
Cold milk with mix ins in fancy cups in front. Or milky hot chocolate in the back. Jenn has a cool Kuerig that makes the hot chocolate and she made really cute dipped in chocolate spoons to stir and flavor with. Loved it!
We didn't only eat, we enjoyed some fun games- name that song with songs that sing the word baby, and guess how many cookies are in the jar. Denise came up with the games and used Cookie Crisp cereal which was such a cute idea! Corinne won the song game.
Lynnea made beautiful thank you cards which our friends addressed for us. So cute and so helpful too!

(only problem is that Jenn Kinne, the hostess and our great friend, isn't in the picture!)
Aren't these the cutest favors ever? Cookies and milk chocolate kisses in milk bottles.
If you are about to host a party, you should copy these ideas! Your guests would love it!
Look at all of these beautiful and generous gifts that I got to bring home!
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