Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FHE Baby shower

The kids planned an FHE baby shower for our new baby. The presents were all actually from Danny's mom, but she let them wrap them. Put them in bags. They had blown up some balloons for the event too. (most were blue, but we are expecting a girl.) Victoria gave us a lesson about coming to earth and gave us all earth stickers, which we were instructed to wear on our foreheads. We sang "I have a family here on earth." I was feeling pretty exhausted, common feeling these days, but everyone else was very wild and just so excited!
We opened the presents which were very nice. Thank you, Susan. Then, we played with the balloons. And took a few pictures with them too. Look how huge I am! Aagh! My goal was to gain only 25, but it appears that it is going to be more like 30-35. Oh well, I think a lot of it is water- getting swollen. Plus, it is still in the healthy range, just so dang hard to take off afterwards and I wasn't little to start with. I do not enjoy being seen when I am so large, but Danny thought I should be in the pictures. They are pretty funny though, huh?

We are pretty excited for our new baby to come! Thanks, kids, for being so thoughtful and creative to come up with this fun celebration!


Ioana said...

What a fun idea!!! And thanks Danny for making Brooke to be in the pictures!:) Brooke, you look AWESOME!!! Seriously, you've barely gained anything. I'm bigger than you and have an eternity left to go... I also LOVE the kids with their balloon bellies. How cute!

Jen Wily said...

Brooke! You look so cute! I love the pics - and your kids are adorable. I just noticed the painting in the background - love it! :) Hope you're doing well!