I just love Christian. He can be so full of energy, so clever, and so funny. Honestly, sometimes he is too smart for his own good. Not to say that these traits don't come with with a few behavior issues (because well, they do sometimes) but overall he is a good boy. I think he is probably pretty similar to Danny as a kid, so that makes me think he'll be a great man one day too. He really adds some spice to life and keeps me on my toes. I think sometimes that I have squashed a lot of his natural happiness, by saying no too frequently and disciplining so frequently. I think I need to work on letting him be himself- but his best self. I need to overlook the moving and noise when it doesn't matter and only correct if it is really a problem. Life is not dull with this guy around and I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for the fun that you bring to our days, Christian!

Taking a break from bouncing, climbing and sliding. I'm not sure if you can tell, but he has a hole in almost every pair of jeans he owns now. I have heard other moms of boys talk of this in the past and didn't relate. Yeah, our time for holy jeans has come.
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