Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 2012

So, another post that I am writing a year later. The "why" of this could be another post. Back to July of 2012. We enjoyed a successful RS activity- an"I can do it" night with 3 mini classes. We did one the year before too- that one was canning by Joy Yankey, car basics like changing oil and putting on a spare tire  by Sister Stromberg, and basic sewing by Elaine Marble. This time, Innette Gavillan taught couponing. I taught homemade laundry detergent, and several sisters taught crochet. We each made a square for our stake's service project. Funny to say this, but a year later I really miss being the Relief Society president of Farmville Branch. It came with its challenges, but I enjoyed it at the time too. 

The next day, the kids and I met Danny at his conference in Williamsburg and had a fun overnight with him. We went to a dance with the administrators and their families, played in the hotel pool, and went to Busch Gardens. I didn't take any pictures that I can find at least.

On the way home, Danny picked up this bike. It was given to him by a friend, which was so generous. However, I am not a motorcycle fan. Danny knows that. He didn't let me know that he was bringing it home. I  think it suffices to say that it may have caused the biggest fight that we have ever had. It was a rough night!

We celebrated the fourth of July with friends. Then, we went to watch fireworks in the back of our truck (because it was raining right up until dark).

Here is one with Grant's eyes open.
It was Katherine's first fireworks show.

 On the 8th, we celebrated Christian's 7th birthday with the Marshall side of the family! He was excited to celebrate with all of the cousins! We had a simple Lego themed party!


 Oh how I love my sweet, smart, energetic dimpled boy!
 We took a few pictures of our sweet baby too.

Our garden (at the high school and some inside their green house) grew really well and we had hundreds of banana peppers. Stuffed banana peppers wrapped in turkey bacon were delicious! We baked them first, Not sure why I took the picture before the bacon was cooked.

I am sure that we did many other fun things in July, but these are memories primarily triggered by the pictures that I found. I know that we did some fun things with the cousins, but I can't find the pictures right now. I may add a few later if I find them. We always enjoy it when Matt and Janelle and their family come to VA! I can't remember when we went where, but over the summer months we spent a lot of time at the YMCA, went to the Farmville pool a lot, saw free summer movies, went to First Fridays, went to the LCVA, and played in the Longwood fountains. We also went to CMOR in Richmond, the new CMOR on Hull St, the fun malls in Richmond and to the grandparents' houses and the river house. We loved summer!

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