Sunday, July 21, 2013

October 2012

Danny's birthday! He was a principal before 34, pretty good, eh? 
We ate lunch at his favorite restaurant- Buffalo Wild Wings! 

I always love the whole crew in rain coats! I never noticed at the time, but it appears that Grant even wore a bathing suit. HAHAHA!

We made this yummy carrot cake and the kids had great fun decorating it for their beloved dad! Wow!
Not sure exactly why this happened, but the kids sang for cake and ice cream. No, not just "Happy birthday," though they sang that to Danny. But if I remember correctly, they sang "I am a Child of God" for ice cream. Wish I could remember the whole context better. That is why I shouldn't procrastinate blogging so much.

Also, in October, Katherine got closer to crawling on her hands and knees.

She liked her new found freedom quite a bit! And I loved her two bottom teeth quite a bit too! Isn't she precious?
Grant loves airplane rides and asks Danny or I for one almost every day. He also asks for peanut butter and jelly, grapes, and chocolate milk every day.  He doesn't get it every day, but he is pretty easy to please. Love him.

Victoria makes friends so easily. Here she is with our next door neighbor, McKenna, and a friend from her bus.
Christian is still as creative as ever.  I love him and his fun ideas and imagination! Here he is at the Jazz fest in our neighborhood. He had a great time playing in the sand volleyball court- best sandbox ever!
Danny and Brian won 2nd place in the cornhole contest. They might have played even better had they known about the 100 dollars that the winners won! Next year, boys, next year! 
We listened to some really cool bands and I had fun dancing to the Cupid Shuffle and Cha cha slide too. I think we will go again.

Ok, so I loved the playing in the yard that the kids did this month! They worked on really cool forts etc. with our back yard neighbors. I wish they played outside this much and in this way all of the time!

Artwork inside is good too.
I love this outfit on Katherine. It was Victoria's too and is still so cute!
We went to a decades dance at Christian's school. Danny was at a football game of course and I waited until the night of to figure out if we were going for sure and what to wear, so it could have turned out much better, but we decided to go and I found clothes that looked a little like other decades and cut up shirts for V and I to look 80s. Not so sure about Grant's hat, but... They felt like they looked good and we went and had fun.

V and Kendall
Grant and Felicity!

Neaveh, our cute neighbor
 Ok, it was Christian's schools, dance, but I don't have any pictures of him because he was having so much fun running around with his friends, seriously, couldn't catch him and when I could he didn't want pictures taken. They had a fun time.

Another day, learning at Joy School.

I love their excitement and enthusiasm for books and nature and learning!
We pretended that we had an apple tree in the back yard and they picked their own apples for snack. Simple pleasures.

Then, you wouldn't believe this, but we went outside for a walk and Willie Winkie had been on our street and threw trash everywhere! This was so upsetting to the kids, so we got out there and cleaned up the litter and made the earth beautiful again! Thank goodness for children who "take care of the Earth because it's ours, and it is so much better than.... Mars!"

Also, in October, we had a hurricane! It was predicted to be pretty bad, but didn't seem particularly dangerous to us, so we did what we do.... made it a hurricane party.  First up, field trip to take some pictures!

Next, puddle jumping.

Inside campout.
Grilling and frying in the garage.

Fun times.

Look at this cute baby in her carseat, ready to go!
The pumpkin patch didn't really happen this year. :( But, the kids were still pretty happy buying pumpkins on the side of the road. Next year, pumpkin patch tradition will be back on. 

Thanks, Christian, for trying to make it look really fun and exciting for the picture.
Still raining, puddle wading.
At least we carved pumpkins! And pretty good ones might I add.

Joy School costume parade and Halloween party was a hit.

Grant made and decorated this cute cookie for me.
I love this guy and this flamingo too! Isn't her costume adorable?!
Speaking of adorable, I found this dress for Katherine before she was born and I loved it for Halloween! Mini photo shoot with a crawling baby. Harder than it should be. Hahaha! She sure is precious though.

Trick or treating!
Cowboy Christian, zebra baby, and Batman Grant
Mrs. Spider and her cowgirl friends!
We met the real batman while we were out!

Cutest little Zebra fell asleep while we were out!

October is a fun month! Looking back, I see that I have a lot to be thankful for and despite the difficulty of this move and this past year in general, there were also a lot of great moments. Good thing I photographed the happy times.

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