Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Not so fun part of summer- shingles in my eye

I had a pretty rough start to summer. It started with a terrible pain behind my right eye. Not to be funny and not exaggerating- I was pretty sure that I had a tumor on my optic nerve or somewhere else inside my head. The pain was intense and it was one sided and started out isolated in a very specific place. I told Danny what I thought it was. He thought I was being dramatic, but when I had a lump growing on my forehead over my eye the next morning I went to the doctor's office. As the hours passed, so did the rash and they knew exactly what it was. Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus. I was sent straight to an urgent care eye doctor because my vision was at risk. Fortunately, I was given an antiviral and eye drops right away to lessen the chances of permanent damage.

Long story short. It was a tough couple of weeks. The rash was on my forehead, in my hair, down my nose and in my eye and eyelids. It wasn't the worse case in the world, but wasn't mild either. I was exhausted and in pain. I basically hibernated. Thankfully, Danny came home from work early every day for a week to take care of the kids. He took them out of the house so I could sleep. I did.

Like I said, it was rough. My eye still looks affected, but is getting better. I have to wait it out for a few months, but insurance will pay for cosmetic surgery to fix it if needed. As for my vision...It is blurry in my right eye, but fortunately my left eye compensates because glasses wouldn't work. Not fun. Life goes on though.

I received the most unexpected gift. Sherri's Berries from Melissa Burch! It was so very thoughtful of her and meant a ton to me!
My family was pretty great too. Danny took off some work and took care of the kids for the most part. When they were home, they understood how bad I was hurting and were really sweet. We have great kids.

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