This little boy fell asleep on my chest. He is 4! I don't know when that last happened and am doubtful it will happen again, so I took a picture. Sleeping kids are the sweetest!
Ok, so you might think this clock picture goes with the Grant picture. Nope! It is actually the time that Victoria and I finished a project the night before it was due.
She had several weeks notice, but forgot! Aagh! I hope this poor girl doesn't take after me! Victoria remembered after the other kids were in bed. Of course Danny was working, so I couldn't go to the store to get anything that we needed. The project was to make a 3d relief map of VA. No foamboard- no problem- we will cut a box that we have in the garage. We need to empty it first. No problem! I would love to! So, clay. We don't have any. I looked up a few recipes online and when I lacked ingredients, I decided Tootsie Rolls from Halloween would make a great clay if heated in the microwave! Victoria wasn't so keen on my ingenuity at first, but I soon convinced her that it would be so unique, would smell, and would be edible! So, the idea to have a candy map was born!
Even though it was last minute and late, I think she did a great job and I think I was pretty creative too!
Yes, an old box, tootsie rolls, green icing from pumpkin leaves the week before, 3 or 4 types of sprinkles, toothpicks and name tags turned pretty cute project. Great job, V! Next time let's start a little earlier, ok?
Yum, cheerios!
Katherine loves bath time!
I still love this quilt from Elaine Marble.
Katherine likes to "take things out." I wish I liked "putting things back in" just as much. Not quite. She is lucky she is so cute.
I also still love this basket that I found at Goodwill for 2 dollars! It is multifunctional.
Victoria and friends having fun with another of our cut up boxes and tissue paper.
Christian and his friend, neighbor, and classmate, Reggie, were very nice to watch the girl's show.
It was the news and was pretty cute.
Danny is such a fun dad. When the kids wanted to camp out in the back yard and invite lots of friends, he said yes.
Tent city! Girl tent, Danny tent, boy tent.
There is a park near us with a lot of old tanks and weapons. We had fun getting close up looks of these machines.
We really like the park around the corner there too. It is called Fort Fun and is named well!
Christian was in a really cool musical performance at his school this year! He sang in a concert with the other 2nd graders and they did a great job!
His picture was on a music note.
Camera failed me that night! Boo! It was so cute! It made me sad to not document it better. They sang songs about Music. "We are making music. We're making music. We're making Mu u u u . We are making music. We're making music.... in our school!"
This song was so cute with the sunglasses! They did the cutest dance with it and Christian really showed his enthusiasm and his musicality. He has cool moves. I loved it!
Hey Katherine, can you knock over this tower?!
I am determined. Yes, yes I can!
They were great listeners.
Katherine was a very well behaved baby too- kinda funny shot though.
Victoria and her friends were so nice including Grant.
Class photo!
Really loud musket! Cool demonstration for the kids.
Thanksgiving Joy School
Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's - photo's by V
Patrick, Aurora, and Rorik moved to Virginia and I got to babysit while they moved it. We were glad to get to know our cousins better and are glad that they will be living close by!
Play dough fun
Sink or float game
fun with toys
Swing "fun?"
Cute kids! It made me really miss Leah though. I've never been around them without her. They are doing so well though. Patrick is a really great dad.
Megan's 7th birthday party! Pirate fun! It was a really cool party!
I got back into couponing. I can't say that I do it with regularity, but saving money on some trips is still saving. Drop of awesome, right?
I loved this brief little story that Christian wrote.
Especially because of this last picture and sentence. "Pete tells his mom about what he did at school." I loved the cats' outreached arms ready for hugs and love shown through hearts. It made my heart feel happy. He is so sweet.
Grant and I drew the other day. He told me a story and I drew it. Not the best drawing, but his story was so funny. Note the pile of poop behind the basketball. Hilarious. All boy!
Grant, who unfortunately has been about as uninterested in drawing/coloring as child can be, is trying a lot more! Thank goodness! Another something to be thankful for!
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