Friday, May 31, 2019

May Misc. 2019

The kids found a Barbie that looked a lot like their cousin Robert!
One day a secret friend left this delicious cupcake at the house for me! I don't know who it was, but it was so kind and really made me feel loved! Thank you!

Less beautiful... Funny story though...

In case it is too small to read. The crazier, not as glamorous part of Mother's Day was cleaning bubble gum out of the dryer. The funny part was that I sent this picture and text to Craig instead of Victoria! 

Fun with snapchat in the car while we wait. 

I like finding pictures like this on my phone.

Grant bought a skate board with his own money. We have taken it to the skate park at Yowell Meadow Park. Katherine brings her scooter.

Katherine was given this book from her friend, Jack, and has really enjoyed putting these pictures together.
One thing that was a total pain this month was trying to cancel the trip and get a refund. I felt so bad for my mom to have another thing to worry about on top of a very sick husband and selling a house. (They are selling the farm. Upcoming post.) The kids have all tried to help with it, and they finally got refunded in 5 checks. Uggh! This was a video of me saying, "Why won't this work?!" It did work out in the end though. Glad they bought the travel insurance. 

Never mind the mess, but I love that someone got this picture of Katherine and I reading Black Beauty. She loves it!
I took this beautiful crew to an education conference in Charlottesville. I love my YW (Morgan, Caroline and V) and Christian too! They enjoyed some great classes and had fun with friends. They also enjoyed a dance that evening.
I don't think this link will work again, but G and Kate and I are loving the warmer mornings and have fun doing obstacle courses at the playground before school. We also liked making slo-mo videos.
I love it when Christian brings his artwork home!
I love that Katherine has as good of a time at baseball practices and games as Grant does, especially when there is an empty field. She loved playing with Skyler this year. She loved playing with Reid when he happened to be there too.

My husband is awesome! He saved the day when I had a flat tire before dropping K and G at school. He came to us and took care of it while I used his car to drop off the kids. I got back switched cars and got back in time for Grant's awards assembly! Thanks, Danny!
I never take pics of helping in the library, but typically help for a few hours every week ( just wanted to remember). I think It was nice of Donna and Cathy to give me a plant and a thank you note at the end of the year.

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