Sunday, March 15, 2020

At home church

On March 12 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in order to be good global citizens,  temporarily suspended large group gatherings all over the world. 

This is so strange, but I am thankful to be a member of a church that has a plan for such a time as this. We have been following a home-centered, church-supported program for a while now and we can use the Come Follow Me Lessons for Individuals and Families now too. I am also thankful that Danny holds the priesthood and can administer the sacrament in our home. It was really peaceful and special to have him bless the bread and water and to have the boys pass it. Victoria came up with our music this week and Katherine read a scripture. We listened to Pres. Nelson's statement. It was hopeful and encouraging.

Danny posted something about having church at home recently  and a few friends asked about or were surprised that we still dressed up. We talked as a family and decided that we would still dress up for church to help ourselves to behave reverently and to set this time apart from the rest of the week.

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