Saturday, March 28, 2020

River House Getaway

The kids and I felt super lucky to leave the house to go to the river house!!! No one has been there, so it is definitey germ free. Lorel and her kids came too. We actually went to celebrate Isaac's birthday. We felt like it would be ok because we have all been social distancing for 2 weeks and aren't sick. We didn't decide for sure until the day before, and are really glad that we went.
The kids skateboarded by the airport down the street. V took them.

We picked up tons of sticks in the yard and burned them.

These kids were so excited to be together.

 The kids went to the island together.

Christian, Lorel, and I put together a 1000 piece puzzle quickly. 

We had good food together.

Craig came after work and we sang happy birthday to Isaac and celebrated him! 

We also had fun talking, jumping with the Chinese jump rope, running around, getting wet,  appreciating nature, and exploring. It was cool to see them and to get a change of scenery. 

I don't know if we will be able to do this again for a while, so I am glad that we decided to go for it. 

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