Monday, March 16, 2020

Welcome to Homeschool and a Strange New Reality

As we are waiting to hear from the schools about what we should do, we decided to make a plan for homeschooling, for now.
Victoria and Christian will have seminary again soon, have some assignments from teachers, and an ACT to study for. I am letting them do their own thing, as long as they do something productive and educational from 9:30- 12.

Katherine and Grant and I are meeting in the basement. 

Today we made a rough plan, a bucket list (ideas on paper in a real bucket), rules and responsibilities. The main outline would be a morning meeting, a read aloud, I work or play with one kid while the other does their stuff independently, something fun all together, then switch. I think that should work! Kids are so much more capable than we sometimes give them credit. I was pretty excited about a lot of the things that they want to learn about, write, create, and do! They decided that we don't really need rules because they already know them. They decided to have rotating responsibilites such as set up, clean up, book picker, etc. They agreed line leaders would be unnecessary. Haha!  They also thought it would be fun to earn stars and have special days. So far we are hoping to earn a riverhouse weekend, an Easter party, a campout, and a Mermaid/Pirate party! We will see! Stay tuned!

Today they took turns reading.

We all worked on puzzles and played games today. It wasn't too hard core. 

We also looked through things to do and made a "Bored Jar" Basically, Grant and I looked around the house and wrote ideas of things to do on popsicle sticks. (I bought a ton for Christian recently because he was going to build a model of the Parthenon. He changed his project though and built it virtually on Minecraft instead!!! It turned out to be amazing! He really worked hard and did an impressive job. Anyway, we have a bunch of popsicle sticks to use.) We came up with so many things to do. There is never a reason to be bored. My friend Courtney once taught me, "Only boring people are bored." She used to tell her kids that. I have copied her on several occasions. I need to tell myself this too. I very easily fall into facebook, instagram, and tv shows. I love technology and am thankful for it, but want to be more than a consumer or an addict. This is a good time for us all to remember that we are self agents. We can decide what to think, how to feel, and what we do! It is not this simple for me either, but when it comes down to it, it is true. 

I am also thankful that we have some good chore charts in use at our house. Having a system makes everything so much easier and then no one person has to do all the work. I am most thankful for meal helpers during this time!  Dishwashers, sweepers, counter-wipers, trash and recycling too! Thank goodness for these kids.

Tonight, after Danny got home, we watched Frozen 2. It was great! 

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