Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas Eve Eve

We celebrated Christmas with Danny's side of the family in Williamsburg  on December 23. It was a good time. It was fun to see Leah and Aurora, who are in town while Patrick is deployed somewhere in the Pacific in a submarine. The sister-in-laws had fun talking as did the brothers while the kids had a great time playing and spending time with Geemaw and Papa. I didn't get out my camera until the reading from the Bible though. We are very thankful for Christ's birth and life and try our bests to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We like that both of our families always read the scriptures for Christmas, and it sure is funny to see the kids and some of the adults act it out. Here are a few highlights. Enjoy!
Grant, the grazing cow, definitely wanted to participate! And yes, "the cattle were lowing."
Christian and Camila were so cute as Mary and Joseph!

I think this little angel of mine truly looks angelic. And the wise man in the back is hot. And funny.
And a group shot!

Oh, and I found that I took one more picture- Victoria gave Geemaw a little bowl that she made in art this year. It was pretty cute.

1 comment:

Ioana said...

How cute! I love V's new haircut!