Monday, April 6, 2020

Adapting and Making the best of things

So, we are getting used to these weird times. 

Danny is still working hard, but his days aren't quite so long because there are no events in the evenings. It is unusual, but nice that he can be home fore dinner every night. 

The big kids have seminary on zoom every weekday. That helps us all to get up and moving. Their teachers are posting assignments. They aren't graded, so I am not micromanaging, as long as they are doing something productive for a few hours a day.

The younger kids are getting really good at checking google classroom and doing what they need to do. Katherine also is learning cursive, playing prodigy, using flip grid, zoom, google classroom etc.

Their teachers, Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Leighty, are working hard and are staying connected and providing a lot of options for work. We love them and are so thankful for all that they are doing and providing us!

Katherine is even going to be starting back with speech services this week! Mrs. Cappellini is amazing!

A few fun things here. 

rainbow milk experiment, limerick writing, short stories about leprechans, and learning about Ireland all followed St. Patrick's Day. 

creative gift making

Lots of walks!

appreciating nature

good food by V

I went to a store with Danny and stayed in the car- social distancing lines.

Christian made cinnamon rolls.

Weekly church selfies.

Grant teaching K tricks

K loving some of the things her teacher sends

They took turn painting each others faces. This is a caterpillar.

Lego robotics

Lots of cooperation and meal helping.

Online chess tournament for his chess club. Thanks, Mr. Donner.

Practicing cursive.

Grant's science experiment. Growing beans in dirt, paper towels and orbeez.

another one. 

Having more time for play.

The boys taking a break from sports.

painting glass rocks

don't ask! 

decorating for Easter. Note the freshly powerwashed brick and steps behind. Thanks, Danny!

So many changing plants! 

Crab apple tree


He still loves dandelions!

a little of this too.

taking turns.

more fun artwork

Good, C!

growing more romaine lettuce.

photography by Katherine.

By Kate.

Danny and I played frisby golf and found this skull on one of the goals. 

We cleaned out the garage and shoe craziness.

Grant got up and made cookies on his own this morning.

Lots of sweet things still happening, even in this time of pandemic.

1 comment:

Ioana said...

I love the many fun activities you guys are doing. Great ways to keep busy! Are none of their school assignments being graded or just the seminary? Our kids get everything to be graded, even the seminary. What crazy times!