Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lemonade Stand

Last summer V wanted to do a lemonade stand and I didn't help her accomplish that goal. Honestly, I felt some guilt over it, we kept putting it off to long. Well, I would have been a lame mom if I didn't finally help her do it. She asked if we could do it when the cousins were here. We did it and had a lot of fun!

Victoria and Donovan came up with the company name, the price, and the signs.

Cousin's Lemonade, 50 cents.

After the signs were ready, the kids made the lemonade!

We decided that where the golf course crosses my parents street would be the best place to sell. It was a really hot day, so we were pretty hopeful. Janelle and the big kids and I got into the van, drove down the road, and set up shop.

It took a little time to sell the first cup. The kids entertained themselves anyway though.

Then finally they sold a cup to a nice lady in a car! (She is a couple years older than me and was a friend when I was younger, but she looked like she had no idea who I was when I called her by her name.)

V with the first dollar!
Lots of cars went by though. It was kinda sad. I have a personal rule to always stop when kids are selling lemonade. The cars driving by reinforced the need for that personal rule. But, luckily, there are still generous people out there and more sales followed.

Donovan's turn to give the lemonade!

Here's a picture of the Cousin's Lemonade Company's favorite customer.

Hey Grandpa! You are off of work. Want some lemonade?

Looks like they made some money.

17 dollars in an hour and a half!

1 comment:

Paige said...

We rode by a lemonade stand today and we thought of you guys. :)