Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt!

It is disappointing to not be able to gather as a family for Easter. My dad just finished his 100 days at home after the 40 in isolation at the hospital, and was supposed to be allowed to be around people again. We were really looking forward to being able to be together, but we know it is the right thing to do to stay home. We are going to be safe, especially as my parents could be more vulnerable to the virus. 
My parents usually do an egg hunt every year, so they sent us a bunch of battery operated tealights from Amazon to use for a Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt! We waited a couple days to open the box to be sure that we wouldn't get germs from it. I turned them on and put them inside plastic Easter eggs and hid them all over the basement. (It started raining as I was filling them, but this worked just as well inside with all the lights off.)

I told them to each find 12-13 because there were 50 total. They had a fun time finding them!
 They each found enough to earn a present from Grandma and Grandpa!
They each got an Amazon gift card! So cool! Thanks, Mom and Dad! Super fun idea!

Grant already ordered a skateboard tool and I am sure the others will be ordering soon too!

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